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Digital Health Brazil: Four Years of Transformation and Innovation in Health


In 2020, the healthcare sector faced a scenario of distrust and uncertainty. The provision of healthcare services mediated by Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) was still unknown to a large part of the population, generating doubts about the effectiveness of teleconsultations and the security of digital healthcare. However, a group of companies that already operated in this modality, believing in its transformative potential, came together to found Saúde Digital Brasil.


Initially, the entity's main objectives were to establish a minimum quality standard for digital health services and create a regulatory framework that would guarantee safety for both patients and health professionals. These objectives were not only achieved, but also encouraged the entity to expand its activities and increase the number of members, keeping up with changes in the sector and supporting its players on an upward growth curve.


Telehealth is currently experiencing a booming moment, marked by innovative ideas, diversification, investments and technological advances. Over the past four years, Saúde Digital Brasil has created new working groups, established a government relations department and established numerous partnerships. The entity and its representatives have participated in several events and public hearings, promoting discussions and preparing articles on the topic, both for external and internal dissemination to its members.


Carlos Pedrotti, president of Saúde Digital Brasil, reflects on the organization’s trajectory: “When we founded Saúde Digital Brasil, we knew we were facing a major challenge. Today, looking back, it is gratifying to see how far we have come and how we have managed to transform the perception and reality of digital health in Brazil.”


With an active board of directors, market-leading associates and an internal team aligned with market needs, Saúde Digital Brasil not only enables its activities, but also prepares the entity and the sector for the coming years. This commitment is evidenced by the dedication of its advisors, coordinators and former coordinators of working groups, as well as external partners and everyone who has contributed to the entity's growth.


Congratulations to Saúde Digital Brasil, its associates, advisors, coordinators and the entire internal and external team. Without everyone's dedication, we would not have consolidated this movement that is so important for the sector. May the coming years be full of success, growth and innovation!

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