For Saúde Digital Brasil, an association that brings together entities that operate in the telemedicine service provision chain, this is a very significant achievement for the entire Brazilian healthcare system. It is a decisive step, which guarantees a very solid path towards approval by the Federal Senate and the sanction of the Law by the Presidency of the Republic.
The Brazilian healthcare system achieved an important milestone this week. Yesterday, April 27, the National Congress approved Bill No. 1998/2020, which authorizes and defines the practice of telemedicine in Brazil. The regulation provides legal and information security so that telehealth can be exercised in a full, safe and accessible manner for all Brazilian patients and citizens.
The bill includes the possibility of teleconsultations and the practice of telemedicine, as well as other health professionals, duly registered with the Councils that govern their practices, to provide remote health care. Two important prerogatives, considered crucial for increasing access to health care for the entire Brazilian population, were included in Bill No. 1998/2020, approved by the Chamber of Deputies. They are the possibility of a first consultation remotely; and territoriality, that is, a doctor can treat a patient in any state in Brazil.
According to Caio Soares, president of Saúde Digital Brasil (Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Digital Health Companies), the approval of the PL is an important step and guarantees a very solid path towards discussion in the Senate and final approval by the Presidency of the Republic.
According to the president, some political leaders played a decisive role in guaranteeing this right to the population. Among them are Deputy Adriana Ventura, author of the approved project; and Senator Esperidião Amim, author of the billand No. 4,223/2021, which is in the Federal Senate. “This similarity between the texts only demonstrates how mature the discussion is. This is only possible because both prepared a lot for this”, he comments.
It is worth mentioning that, to design the projects, both Adriana Ventura and Esperidião Amim spoke with representatives of all professions involved in telehealth, numerous Councils and Representatives of Associations, which resulted in a very well-founded work.
“This was a law that doctors, patients and society needed. This is because telemedicine, as long as it the ESPIN ("The Public Health Emergency of National Importance) was closed by the Ministry of Health and was left without legal support. The approval is a huge step towards improving the population's access to the health system, and providing greater legal and information security, which are crucial to ensuring quality in this digitalization scenario. Telehealth solves one of the main bottlenecks in the health system, which is the first access, and we can say that we are now entering a new era," he emphasizes.
Regarding the next steps, Soares explains that the PL will now be processed inthe Federal Senate, which is quite prepared for the discussion and there will probably not be any major points of divergence at this stage.
“This is a topic that has been widely discussed in all spheres and, for at least two years, its viability has been addressed from a regulatory point of view. In addition, as in the Senate as well There is a bill with content very similar to that approved by the Chamber, I believe it will be processed quickly until it reaches the final sanction of the Presidency of the Republic. And, we should not and cannot go back”, he adds.
About Digital Health Brazil
Saúde Digital Brasil (Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Digital Health Companies) is a non-profit organization created to bring together entities that operate in the telemedicine service provision chain and that develop activities related to digital health.
Founded in 2020, the entity's main goal is to defend the cause of healthcare through telemedicine and telehealth in Brazil and to create regulations that guarantee its continuity. In addition, Saúde Digital Brasil works to contribute to the improvement of the healthcare model, increase scientific and technological development, innovation and the qualified and sustainable development of the healthcare sector.