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Note of Repudiation


With deep respect for the ethical principles and integrity that guide medicine and digital health, Saúde Digital Brasil – Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Digital Health Companies (SDB) publicly expresses its vehement repudiation of the recently identified practices of providing medical certificates without a proper medical consultation, especially when they falsely claim to have been performed via telemedicine.


The Brazilian Code of Medical Ethics, in its chapter on Professional Responsibility, clearly establishes that it is forbidden for a physician to “provide a medical certificate without having performed the professional act that justifies it, or that does not correspond to the truth”. Such conduct, in addition to being unethical, represents a serious risk to public health and a lack of respect for patients who trust in telemedicine as a legitimate and effective means of health care.


The adoption of practices such as the sale of medical certificates without proper consultation is an affront to the ethical and legal standards that govern medical practice in Brazil and worldwide. These actions compromise the credibility and reliability that are fundamental in the doctor-patient relationship, essential for the effectiveness of treatment and for maintaining health.


SDB, representing its member companies, reaffirms its unwavering commitment to best practices in telemedicine and telehealth. Our members are dedicated to providing services that not only meet but also exceed established ethical and legal standards, thus ensuring the highest level of care and respect for patients. SDB member companies are aligned with the principles of responsibility, integrity and transparency, working tirelessly to ensure that digital health is a vector for advancement and improvement in healthcare for the population. We strongly repudiate the practices adopted by websites that sell medical certificates without the proper medical procedures and condemn any attempt to undermine trust in telemedicine and digital health.


Finally, we call on all stakeholders in the digital health ecosystem to stand together in condemning such dishonest practices and to work together to ensure that telemedicine continues to be a valuable, safe, and ethical resource for healthcare.


Carlos Pedrotti

Chairman of the Board of Directors

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