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Digital Health Brazil

Working for the future of Brazilian health

We are a non-profit association that brings together the largest digital health players in the country, from telehealth and telemedicine service providers to technology development companies.

We represent our associates with the main objective of strengthening and expanding digital health in the country, defending adequate regulation with the government and establishing good practice standards so that the sector grows in an ethical and sustainable way.

We also encourage research and development of new technology solutions, providing member companies with an environment in which they can operate more efficiently and innovatively.


To be an institution that facilitates relationships between civil society, government, telehealth service providers and health technology developers, defending the legitimate interests of its members and expanding access to digital health for the entire Brazilian population.


We aim to represent telehealth service providers and health technology developers in the country, leading the process of digital transformation in Brazilian healthcare.






Operational Excellence

Activities carried out by SDB

Our role is connect all digital health players in the country and promote the development of the sector.

Board of Directors

Saúde Digital Brasil is managed by a Board of Directors that is renewed every three years. The main duties of the body are to promote and deliberate on the entity's operating strategy. Meet each of the members of the Board of Directors (2023-2026).


Carlos Pedrotti


Medical Manager of the Telemedicine Center at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein

Caio Soares

Vice President

Medical Director at Teladoc Health

Carolina Pampolha.


Medical Director of Operations at Docway

Guilherme Weigert


Co-founder and CEO of Conexa Saúde

Renata Zobaran


Technical Director of TopMed

Thiago Julio


Medical Director of Memed

Wilson Shcolnik


Institutional Relations Manager at Grupo Fleury

Our associates

Providers and employees


Join the industry-leading companies and be part of Digital Health Brazil.