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Telemedicine reaches the area of neurology in the public health network, in São José


São José dos Campos will begin offering telemedicine services in neurology in the city's 40 Basic Health Units.

According to the City Hall, the clinician is the one who carries out the first assessment of the patient, with the aim of ensuring greater agility during care.

If the professional identifies the need to submit the patient to a neurological evaluation, he or she will provide the information online to the neurologist who will perform the analysis. This exchange of information between doctors may take place with the patient in the unit or not.

The assessment performed by the neurologist can determine the prescription of medications and tests. In the simplest cases, everything is done via the system, so that the patient only needs to return to the UBS to pick up the prescription or receive guidance on the test results.

In more complex cases, when the specialist deems it necessary to examine the patient, the patient will be referred for in-person care at one of the municipality's Specialty Units (UES).

Appointments for consultations with the clinician for the telemedicine service are scheduled from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 5 pm, upon request.


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