By the end of the year, the company plans to expand its portfolio and expand its geographic coverage.
The revenue of Tuinda Care, a startup that is the exclusive distributor of Brazil's first portable remote physical examination kit approved by Anvisa, grew 125% in the first half of 2022, compared to the last six months of last year. The company, which has as accelerators the pediatric hospitals Pequeno Príncipe (PR) and Sabará (SP), references in the area, starts the second half of the year close to reaching the year's target.
The growth is the result of a restructuring of the startup and the diversification of the consumer market, which currently consists of doctors, hospitals, health insurance companies and integrators of health service provision. Tuinda Care is the exclusive distributor of TytoCare in Brazil, a technological solution that connects doctors and patients to perform remote physical examinations, allowing the doctor to listen to the patient's lungs, heart and abdomen, measure body temperature, and assess the ear, throat and skin lesions using a high-resolution camera. This enables the safe diagnosis of infections such as tonsillitis, otitis, pneumonia, among others.
“Devices like TytoCare have been a reality in countries in Europe, Asia and the United States for years. The pandemic has favored the expansion of telemedicine in Brazil, and companies and healthcare professionals that offer this service are discovering that devices for performing remote physical exams add quality, agility, bring comfort to the patient and reduce costs,” says Tuinda Care CEO Fabio Mattoso, who joined the company in March of this year, with extensive experience in technology and healthcare.
After restructuring some areas of the company, such as the medical and commercial departments, Mattoso expects growth in the second half of the year to be as exponential as in the first six months of the year. “Hospitals are now our strategic clients due to the usability of the devices. We have important non-public negotiations underway, there will be an increase in the portfolio, geographic expansion of our area of operation and we are also planning the inorganic growth of the company”, he adds. Tuinda Care has been in Brazil since 2020.
The CEO of Tuinda Care emphasizes that the benefits of telemedicine go far beyond the pandemic. “We have created the habit and practicality of teleconsultations. And several respiratory pathologies, such as post-COVID syndrome, recovery from pneumonia or the progression of bronchiolitis – can now be treated through teleprocedures (performing a physical examination of the patient remotely). All of this monitoring, including for those with chronic diseases, is carried out by TytoCare, in an effective manner, in the home care environment. Telemedicine is moving in this direction”, he concluded.