Saúde Digital Brasil was accepted to participate in the Working Group (WG) within ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) to discuss some regulatory improvements in the process of e-commerce, prescription and digital dispensing of medicines. Ordinance number 76 creating the group and naming the participants was published on February 9, 2022, in the DOU (Official Gazette of the Union).
According to Marina Jacob, who represents Saúde Digital Brasil in the WG, the non-profit organization has already contributed to Anvisa's public consultations on this and other topics. However, as part of a working group, this participation becomes even more relevant. The entity's role in this debate is to raise concerns related to digital health, the digital experience as a whole, ensuring health safety and good patient care for greater adherence to treatment. In addition to Marina, Fernanda Moura, coordinator of interoperability and health issues, was also appointed as an alternate representative in the WG by Saúde Digital Brasil.
The GT's responsibilities include reviewing all technical requirements for remote requests for medication dispensing; based on technical-scientific updates; and supporting the production of educational materials based on the documents produced.
“For us, as a young entity, it is of great importance to be part of this working group. We are 'sitting' side by side with very traditional associations in the health and e-commerce sectors, which are already consolidated and have existed for many years. We entered as an entity that unites these two ends, as we represent health, from a more traditional perspective, as we are concerned with the patient and also the digital side, as we represent companies in the telehealth area. Our expectation is that the patient receives care, receives a prescription and is able to purchase a medication digitally in an absolutely safe way, considering the entire protection ecosystem involved: doctors, pharmacists and health surveillance”, emphasizes Marina.
Important Brazilian entities with significant representation in the health, pharmaceutical, drug sales, technology and retail sectors, and e-commerce are part of the initiative. Among them are the Brazilian Association of Pharmacy and Drugstore Chains (Abrafarma); Brazilian Association of Electronic Commerce (Abcomm); Brazilian Association of Pharmacy and Drugstore Associations (Abrafad); Brazilian Internet Association (Abranet); Brazilian Association of the Over-the-Counter Drug Industry (Abimip); Brazilian Chamber of the Digital Economy (; Federal Council of Pharmacy; Brazilian Association of Mobility and Technology (Amobitec); Brazilian Online to Offline Association (ABO2O); Pharmaceutical Retail Trade Union (Sicofarma); Institute for Retail Development; Latin American Association for Responsible Self-Care (ILAR); Brazilian Association of Pharmaceutical Commerce (ABCFARMA); and Latin American Internet Association (ALAI).
About Digital Health Brazil
Saúde Digital Brasil (Brazilian Association of Telemedicine and Digital Health Companies) is a non-profit organization created to bring together entities that operate in the telemedicine service provision chain and that develop activities related to digital health.
Founded in 2020, the entity's main goal is to defend the cause of healthcare through telemedicine and telehealth in Brazil and to create regulations that guarantee its continuity. In addition, Saúde Digital Brasil works to contribute to the improvement of the healthcare model, increase scientific and technological development, innovation and the qualified and sustainable development of the healthcare sector.